Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Official.

We're thinking of naming her Zoe 张恩 .

We're thankful to GOD for our baby girl & we want her to have the life of GOD in her ;-)

We went to Gynae & Cherie has put on a good 3kg from our last visit 2 weeks ago.

I too have gained a good 2 kg, which is a good thing. But unfortunately, they drowned my waistline. Now I look like I'm 3 months preganant ;-(

So, in order to for me to watch my girl grow up & start her own family, I've declared war with my physical body.

No more will I bow down to Eng Gor Duck Rice, Old Chang Kee Chicken Wing, Tiong Bahru Fishball Mee Pok, AMK Blk 339 Chicken Rice, Katong Laksa & all their Khakis.

Faith w/o works is dead.

I started my 1st 2.4km run yesterday & completed in 11mins. Almost met Jesus in His Mansion.

Monday 2.4km, Tuesday Static, Wednesday 2.4km, Thursday Static, Friday 2.4km, Saturday Swim. Sunday is Sabbath & Eat-All-You-Can ;-)

If Dr Kong Hee can have 6 packs in his forties, I can have mind in my thirties. Greater works will I do ;-)

Please pray for me, and niam me.


And if you can identify with my story, it's time you declare war too.


  1. I truly feel for you....Bro, you have my support. I'm right behind you. Why not beside? Because 11 minute is too fast for me...haha...

  2. Steven. You seriously want to name your daughter Zhang En ah??? Chinese sounds very nice.. But can you imagine her teacher calls her Zeo Teo En.. The english translation not very perfect leh.. Haha =)(Imelda)

  3. I need to declare war too...and I wanted to name my future daughter Zoe for the same reason...hmm...but Zoe and Zhang En both sounds great!

  4. Gym lar.. Convert some FAT into Muscle Bro!!
